11.- Conference speaker at Rzgari Hospital in Erbil, Kurdistan.

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Conference speaker about the importance of higher education, which was attended by 20 people and press.

10.- Conference speaker at the Centro Universitario Mexico in Mexico City, MX.

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Conference speaker at the annual ceremony of the National Karate about bullying, which was attended by 100 people.

9- Conference speaker in International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women about gender equality in Cuernavaca, Morelos, MX.

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Conference speaker in International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women about gender equality in Cuernavaca, Morelos, MX.

8.- Conference speaker at Universidad Kino in Guaymas, Sonora, MX.

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Conference speaker about gender, sexual orientation, and equality, which was attended by 400 people.

9- Donation of food and hygiene products for 200 hurricane victims of Ingrid and Manuel in Mexico City, MX.

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Donation of food and hygiene products for 200 hurricane victims of Ingrid and Manuel in Mexico City, MX.

8- Organized four day “Kurdish Festival in Mexico” together with “Sabor es Morelos” as an educational and unity festival where 80,000 people attended. The festival was to learn from Mexico-Kurdistan’s cultural differences, views, beliefs, history, music, food, and celebrating world unity. Jaff Foundation sponsored trips for 150 Kurds worldwide- flights, transportation, and hotels to Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico.

Español Español

Organized four day “Kurdish Festival in Mexico” together with “Sabor es Morelos” as an educational and unity festival where 80,000 people attended. The festival was to learn from Mexico-Kurdistan’s cultural differences, views, beliefs, history, music, food, and celebrating world unity. Jaff Foundation sponsored trips for 150 Kurds worldwide- flights, transportation, and hotels to Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico.